
jade stone

$170 Million Jade Stone Unexpectedly Found by Miners

$170 million is the estimate given for a 210 tonne jade stone found my miners in Myanmar (formerly Burma).

The jade stone is 4.3 meters tall and 5.8 meters long.

The stone is set to be shipped to China, where it will be carved into statues and jewelry.

Much of Myanmar’s $31 billion per year jade industry goes to China, and the industry accounts for half of Myanmar’s GDP.

According to a Burmese politician in the northern Kachin state, U Tint Soe, “It is a present for the fate for our citizens, the government and our party as it was discovered in the time of our government. It’s a very good sign for us.”

(Image has been colorized. In fact, the rough jade stone is a grey much like the surrounding dirt.)

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