
The Self Immolators (eBook)

“The Self Immolators,” written in 2013 under the pen-name Day Blakely Donaldson.

Rights and permissions to use material in this book: the text, including translations, can be used under the Creative Commons licence. You can reprint sections of this book, but include a line noting the source and link the text “The Self Immolators” back to this page.

To read this book online, click this link: “The Self Immolators.” To download the book (in .pdf form), right-click the link and select “Save link as.”

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This book is looking for a publisher. Stipulations: in publishing and selling this book, no monetary gain will ever go to the writer or to The Speaker. It would be preferable if the publisher also did not profit from the book, but I understand this is unlikely to be accepted by publishers.

“The Self Immolators” was independently printed and distributed in a small limited edition free in 2013.

The Self Immolators (2013) - Day Blakely Donaldson The Self Immolators (2013) - Day Blakely Donaldson 2

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