Traditional ball of hunting club in Keblice, Czech Republic

Traditional ball of the hunting club in Keblice, Czech Republic

“Our function at the hunting club is a mission. We don’t do it so that can go into nature to shoot or get drunk. We support nature and hunting, and we do it out of love.” These are the words of the president of the hunting association, Humberk Ivo Hrzán. He has managed the association for several years. […]

A Wixarika Woman and her child contemplates the view of the "Sierra Madre Occidental" which has being the home of the Wixarika people since ancient times.

Wixarika Holy Week – Photojournal by David Cordova

For centuries the Wixarika people have occupied the lands of Western Mexico. This indigenous group, directly related to the Yuto-Azteca tribes, has lived an independent life away from the big empires of Mesoamerica, encouraging the development of a solid and unique identity in the region. At the time of the conquests, the Wixarika people found refuge in the […]

“The Face of Charlie” – Photo document of the Paris Charlie Hebdo rally

“The Face of Charlie” – Photo document of the Paris Charlie Hebdo rally

In the wake of the shooting deaths of 12 French cartoonists at the Charlie Hebdo headquarters in Paris earlier this month, rallies and protests erupted in several nations around the globe, involving millions of participants who took to the streets to express their reactions to the attack and to the cartoon itself — calling out for both for the […]

Alberto, one of Romania's thousands of children living in Bucharest's sewers - Video document (2)

“Alberto,” one of Romania’s thousands of homeless – Video document

Currently in Romania there are over 19,000 people living on the streets, including hundreds of children. Some such children are taken care of in shelters. In this video portrait, Alberto, a 14-year-old from a shelter home in Bucharest, explains what it’s like to live in an orphanage and how he got there in the first place. “The […]

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The Uruguayan puddle that never dries up – Photo-reportage by César Dezfuli and María Sanz

Photo-reportage by Spanish photojournalist César Dezfuli and journalist colleague María Sanz takes us into the lives of Uruguayans dispossessed by the floods that occurred in the south of the country this month–and specifically into the city of Colonia del Sacramento, where 150 families had to be evacuated. The area suffers flooding regularly, and the impoverished residents, who also suffer social exclusion, are […]

Inside I See - Photography by Blind People

“Inside I See” – Photography of the Blind

The senses of the blind are beautifully and intriguingly captured in this series of photos taken by sightless Nepalese youths. Photo documentarian Sergey Stroitelev has created a photo project in Kathmandu unlike any other. The project was undertaken to give a new experience both to blind people, who seldom are asked to portray the visual world to sighted people, […]

Ukraine Tuberculosis Epidemic - Photojournal by Maxim Dondyuk

Ukraine Tuberculosis Epidemic – Photojournal by Maxim Dondyuk

Photography by Maxim Dondyuk In this photojournal, Ukrainian photographer Maxim Dondyuk documents the tuberculosis epidemic in the hospitals, prisons and homes of the East European nation where multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) affects almost 7,000 people annually, and approximately 30 lives are lost to the disease each day.  Ukraine has the highest mortality rate from infectious diseases in the WHO European region–90 […]