North Korea prison camp escapee and human right activist, Dong-Hyuk Shin

North Korean camp survivor Dong-Hyuk Shin tells true feelings about his book and campaign

Dong-Hyuk Shin, the only North Korean prison camp escapee, revealed that the inaccurate details in his autobiography “Escape from Camp 14” were neither lies nor confusion about his memories following his traumatic experiences. He just wanted to keep some painful experiences to himself. “First of all, let me tell about the controversial issues surrounding my book, as some […]

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton and bogus Bosnia cure

Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Presidential campaign is underway and her fund-raisers are focusing their attention on projecting Hillary as a global icon. Clinton’s global profile began soon after she became an American First Lady. In the summer of 1993 when the Bosnian crisis was boiling in Europe, Hillary was playing the role of policy advisor to […]

The Rise of Podemos

The Rise of Podemos

“We are not the solution; we are a tool in order to create a new situation.” – Pablo Iglesias, political spokesperson for Podemos The traditional bipartisan state of Spanish politics is now under threat. A party and a political movement originating from the 15-M indignant protests of 2011 is gaining ground on the political battlefield […]

Charlie Hebdo Attack: Rethinking the War on Terror

Paris Charlie Hebdo attack: Rethinking the “War on Terror”

Two militant sieges have taken place in Paris. One happened Wednesday, January 7, which caused the death of 12 people including 10 cartoonists and columnists of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, and the other happened Friday, January 9, which led to the death of several hostages and a suspect at a kosher supermarket near Paris’ […]

Retrial of a misjudged case 19 years after the man's execution in China

Retrial of a misjudged case 19 years after the man’s execution in China

The fourth plenary session of the 14th central committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CPC) that took place between Oct. 20-23, 2014, has paved the path for a series of retrials of former misjudged cases, including the case of Huge Jiletu. Huge was sentenced to death and immediately executed after a violent inquisition process in […]

US-Cuba relations opens a new chapter

US-Cuba relations opens a new chapter

In what is being called an “historic shift” in U.S.-Cuba relations, talks of normalizing diplomatic relations are being explored for the first time since they were severed in 1961, more than half a century ago. Included in the process of normalizing relations would be the opening of a U.S. embassy in Cuba’s capital Havana, as […]

Shinzō Abe and Abenomics to return for a third term In Japan

Shinzō Abe and Abenomics to return for a third term In Japan

For Japan’s Premier Shinzō Abe, Abenomics, a three point economic strategy to revive Japan, will be the first task he has to attend to after his landslide victory in the Lower House election was announced on Monday this week. Abe’s conservative Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and New Kōmeitō Party, its junior ruling coalition member, swept […]

President of Afghanistan Drops His Tribal Name

President of Afghanistan Drops His Tribal Name

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has asked all government and media to use his family name only–not his tribal name. The president will no longer be referred to as “Ahmadzai,”a name the president used to appeal to voters in the Pashtun south and southeast during the presidential campaign earlier this year. Ghani signed a letter last week […]

UK Under Siege From Immigration - UK Defense Secretary

UK “Under Siege” From Immigration – UK Defense Secretary

Britain is “under siege” from immigration, according to UK Defense Secretary Michael Fallon. The cause is EU migrants coming to the UK from other parts of the EU, competing for jobs and claiming benefits. “In some areas of the UK, down the east coast, towns do feel under siege, (with) large numbers of migrant workers […]

UK policy change

UK Policy Change: Government Will Have to Consider Effect of Legislation on Families, Along With Cost Effectiveness and the Environment

United Kingdom Prime Minister David Cameron will speak on a change to UK policy making Sunday. Cameron is expected to officially admit that legislation has caused children and parents to suffer, while introducing mandatory impact assessments whereby the government must formally consider the effects of policies on families, in addition to considerations regarding cost effectiveness […]

greenhouse ap

16-Year-Old Designs Free App To Show Corruption of US Politicians

Sixteen-year-old Nick Rubin has created a free app intended to show the main sources of US politicians’ funding. The app was designed to allow users to scroll over the names of all members of Congress on any webpage to see a list of the top ten industries from which each receives money. Rubin’s stated goal […]