
The Real Reason For China’s Slowdown

Central Banks manipulate the price of money using several different tactics for controlling interest rates. One of those mechanisms is buying assets like bonds. The last easing program that the Federal Reserve conducted ended in Oct. of 2014. Even though interest rates are still at a record low in the United States, the effects of […]

Alberta Refinery V Strategic Planning

Response to Darryl et al (on LinkedIn) Now we have a conversation going. What started as an idea about a refinery in Alberta is evolving into a discussion of significant importance to Alberta/Canada and for Albertans/Canadians, namely, a Strategic Future Energy Plan compatible with economic aspirations and climate concerns. Let’s get back to the Alberta […]

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Elections In Turkey – The Country Of Dilemmas 

Western or Eastern, European or Asian, modern or traditional, secular or religious? Having struggled between many opposing sides throughout their history, the Turkish people are struggling on the border of another dilemma nowadays: to go on with the ruling party which has been in charge for the last 13 years or to choose a new party to […]


Canada Gears Up For Most Heated Election In Over A Decade

Canada is gearing up to vote in what many believe will be the most heated election in over a decade. This will be the longest campaign in Canada since 1872, spanning 11 weeks. The election date was announced by Prime Minister Steven Harper at the beginning of August, propelling Canadians to engage in political conversations in grocery stores, […]


In A Visionless Africa, The Colonial Legacy Will Remain

Corruption continues to flourish in Africa because of small and selfish elites whose interests are served by such fraudulent dealings. In Africa there is no accountability in the public sector, there are no checks and balances to restrain the various governments and – more importantly – there is a severe shortage of visionary leaders. To be […]

Illegal African Migration

Illegal African Migration Will Continue, And Will Continue To Harm Africa

Pressure on the borders of the European Union under the weight of illegal migration from Africa will continue unabated so long as policy makers in both continents do not pay the necessary attention to the issues of democracy, justice, fair trade and the expansion of economic opportunity. Many of Africa’s most enterprising people routinely leave their […]

Southern Italy

A New Resolution to Save Southern Italy from Social and Economic Stagnation

A few days before the beginning of August vacations, the center-left government of Italy, lead by Matteo Renzi, announced reforms and investments to lunch the economic take off of the regions of the south after long years of stagnation. Following the meeting of the PD party (democratic Party), held on the 7th of august, the […]

Conor McGregor: Irish pride

Conor McGregor: Irish pride

This Celtic warrior personifies Ireland Conor McGregor is the white Muhammad Ali. I say this because of what the American boxer represented to his people. He was always cognizant of what his success meant to underprivileged African-Americans in the USA. McGregor embodies something similar: his Irish red beard, ripped UFC torso, his cutting mouth and […]

Photo Credit / Stephanie Limage of Limage Media Group in Athens July 4th 2015.

Greece is heading for the polls: “Yes” or “No”?

In a few hours Greece will be heading to the polls to answer the question, “Should the plan of agreement, which was submitted by the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund in the Eurogroup of 25.06.2015 and is comprised of two parts that constitute their unified proposal, be accepted?” The […]

lobbying in the EU

Secret exchanges and informal interactions: new report shines light on lobbying in the EU

What is the state of lobbying in Europe? How transparent is it? Is there a clear and enforceable code of conduct for lobbying activities? How diverse are the voices affecting decision making? In their latest report Lobbying Europe: Hidden Influence, Privileged Access Transparency International (TI) answers these very questions. The study looks at the practice […]

US citizens trapped amidst Yemeni upheaval

While everybody is fixated on Baltimore, the Middle East continues its slump into degeneracy. As Saudi slaughter of rebel Houthis ensues following a fierce altercation on the Saudi border Friday, hundreds of U.S. citizens remain trapped in Yemen amidst turmoil, as the Wall Street Journal reported last night. On the home front, Baltimore basks in […]

Marriage argument

Marriage argument in light of the plight of our brethren

Yesterday Massachusetts’ Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) attorney Mary Bonauto argued in favor of federal recognition of same-sex marriage before the Supreme Court. The very fact that this occurred is cause for celebration among the LGBTQA community. Ten or so years ago such an event would not have even been a consideration. After […]