If you have any questions that are not answered on this page, please send us a message.
We publish news. If you have any news to report (or a photo-based composition), please submit that to us. Our requirements are that the news by relevant, researched, and meet journalistic standards. You must provide sources/citation. Our articles should be at least 500 words in length, but must be at least 300 words, unless the news is immediately breaking news (it happened within the last hour or two–80 word minimum).
If you submit a piece of well-written journalism that is in line with the above requirements, we will most likely publish it. We love diversity and working with people on news, and welcome any chance to do so. We believe in and support citizen journalism.
If you have a piece of news, but cannot write news, write what you can, and send it to us–we may be able to edit it or rewrite it–you will be credited. If you cannot write fluent English, write in the best English you can–we will probably be able to edit or rewrite your article–you will be credited. If you only want to submit a news tip, we may be able to complete the article–you will get credit. In short, submit what you can, if you have something to say.
To learn more about the basics of writing a news article, CLICK HERE.
We welcome submissions from the world’s diversity. Language can be an obstacle, but we are willing to work to overcome it. If you cannot write fluent English, don’t let that stop you–submit your news–but write in simple English, and write short sentences.
Any writer/photographer who submits three or more pieces to The Speaker will be added to our CONTRIBUTORS list, and (so long as he or she submits the information to us) will be featured with a staff profile on our site–including photo, short bio, and links to any social media/websites/online work. Contributors also can create bios that will appear at the end of each article–these also have a photo and links.
Important information regarding usage rights. When you submit anything to The Speaker–text, photography, or anything else–you are allowing us to use that material. The Speaker does not desire ownership of your work, and will never try to become the owner of your work. The author will always maintain ownership of the work.
Important information regarding payment. The Speaker staff currently work on things they care about. We track pageviews for each article and pageview totals for each contributing writer/photographer. The Speaker brings in a modest revenue from advertising (based on pageviews). If any article brings in significant revenue because it has attracted a large number of pageviews, we share that revenue with the writer/photographer (currently, we give all of that amount to the writer/photographer).
If you have any stipulations on the use of your work, please let us know up front. This may affect whether we decide to use your work or not, but will not affect anything else. However, if you look over our site, you will see that we do not use anything for immoral/questionable purposes, but run an ethical, professional news organization. Please note that if you submit something to us, and we use it, we will not later remove it, unless there are extraordinary reasons to do so–it takes work to edit and publish work.
Thank you, and please know that we are very happy to be involved in something together with you.
. by The Speaker