
Apple Talking of Returning to US Amid Trump Policy Statements

According to Nikkei Asia Review, iPhone assemblers in the East — responsible for producing 200 million phones per

World’s Longest Desert Highway Now Being Built

900 kilometers of desert highway — the longest desert highway in the world — is now being built in Inner Mon

News of Another Self Immolation in Tibet Reaches Outside World

March protest just confirmed due to communications clampdown in area Sonam Tso, a mother of five, carried out a self-imm

Chinese Investors Who Live in China Made 1/3 Vancouver Real Estate Purchases

While the actual percentage of Vancouver’s sales that were conducted by Chinese cannot be accurately figured, a re

US Lost 2.4 Million Jobs to China in 12 Years, MIT Researcher Finds

“International trade tends to make low-skilled workers in the U.S. worse off — not just temporarily, but on a sustai

25% Drop in Chinese Exports

$126 billion in Chinese exports last month. The number is 25 percent lower than February last year, and is also lower th

Cancer In China Kills 2.8 Million Per Year, Study Finds

In China last year, approximately 2.8 million people died of cancer, and 4.3 million new cases of cancer were diagnosed,

The Real Reason For China’s Slowdown

Central Banks manipulate the price of money using several different tactics for controlling interest rates. One of those

Justice for North Korea launch street campaign for North Korean defectors in central Seoul

SEOUL, South Korea — Nongovernmental organization Justice for North Korea (JFNK) launched a street campaign last