Human Rights

Russians Are Protesting the War in Ukraine, and Are Being Arrested by Russian Police [with video]

In recent weeks, Russians have been attempting to demonstrate against the Russian war in Ukraine–an action that has been difficult because the Russian government has recently passed laws limiting free assembly in Russia. In Moscow Sunday night, Russian protesters attempted to demonstrate against Russia’s undeclared war and were arrested by Russian police. The protesters

Electric Power Industry Will Face Significant Water Constraints According to New CNA Corporation Data

Recent CNA Corporation research has brought to light new revelations about water consumption and the electricity sector–including that electricity generation could become difficult in areas of the world prone to water scarcity or water stress. “Given pending constraints in water availability, business as usual will be completely nonviable for the electric power industry,”

Caste-Based Rape Addressed at UN

Answering a global outcry for urgently desired action against caste-based rape and violence against women, the UN Human Rights Council held a side-event Tuesday dedicated to the issue. Many human rights organizations, policy makers and India’s UN representative had asked rights groups to address the problem after it received attention