Archives for Day Blakely Donaldson

Least developed countries, despite strong growth and rising export prices, fail to develop due to “LDC Paradox” – UNCTAD

Although the world’s poorest countries are thriving in terms of market values–over the past decade they have grown vigorously due to rising developmental aid and export prices–the people of those countries are trapped in a system in which poverty cannot be reversed–a phenomenon newly identified by UNCTAD and termed the “LDC paradox.” “The world’s 48 least developed countries (LDCs) are the battleground on which the post-2015 development agenda will be won or lost,” stated the United Nations

China expels 26 nuns using new law

Chinese authorities have expelled 26 nuns from a nunnery in Pekar Township, Driru County, Tibet Autonomous Region. The nuns were expelled for refusing to defame their highest spiritual leader. Chinese authorities used a new law regulating religious institutions to expel the nuns legally. The nuns were expelled from Jhada Gon Palden Khachoe Nunnery by a large number of Chinese “work team” members tasked with removing the nuns from their the religious community. The work team was following up on

The language of sperm whales: Interview with Dr Shane Gero part 1

  The Speaker recently interviewed Dr Shane Gero, a marine biologist who has been studying sperm whales in the Caribbean for the past 10 years. We talked to Gero about his research in Dominica as well as his current project, which represents many firsts in the science of sperm whale communication. Gero’s findings offer a greater understanding of what happens when sperm whales talk to each other. The whales, Gero has found, are using language for many communicative

Thebault to shoot for new sail speed record with Hydroptere Rocket

Engineer Alain Thebault is aiming at a new record. The sailboat designer, who began his career as a teenager wanting to build a boat that would fly, has previously set the sailing speed record with his Hydrofoil, which achieved 50 knots average speed (95km/h) in 2009. Thebault is aiming for a much higher sail speed, and he aims to do it by sailing at four times the speed of wind–something that has never been done before. Thebault’s

A first-hand account of South Sudan’s IDP camps: “What is our fate? We are suffering all kinds of sickness, insecurity, and all kinds of violence”

In this captivating first hand account of the situation in South Sudan’s IDP camps, South Sudanese Assistant Director for Information and Media at the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission, Afayoa Richard Metaloro, details the actuality of life in the camps, their problems, and some of the measures currently being taken and proposed as solutions for the gender based violence and other issues that plague the lives of residents there. The camps were set up by the United Nations and other international aid groups to

Hailstones Are Formed by Biological Material – Conclusive Evidence by MSU Environmental Scientists

Montana State University environmental scientists have found conclusive evidence that hailstones originate in biological material. MSU researcher Alex Michaud turned travesty into understanding by peeling back the onionlike layers of the crystalline compositions he collected from the Bozeman and two other Rocky Mountain hailstorms, and the results promise to increase our understanding of the role of aerosol particles in atmospheric condensation and, as a part of the bigger picture, improve our model inputs to the Earth’s energy balance. “A hailstone is a very complex weather

Tibetan Self Immolator Gives Testimony

A Tibetan protester who attempted to self immolate to draw attention to the plight of Tibet and Tibetans under Chinese rule has provided a statement about the situation in Tibet. In his statement, the unidentified man explains the experience of Tibetans under Chinese rule. The testimony was translated by Tibet Watch and reported on by Free Tibet. The voice of the Tibetan demonstrator was disguised for safety reasons. “Since I am an ordinary human being, my way