When it comes to baby’s nursery, you need a well-decorated wall, so we have come up with some DIY wall art project ideas for you to try.
Paper Balloon Stickers
Cover the wall with colorful and exciting balloon graphics that young children will love. First of all, you need to get colourful art paper. After that, cut them into small balloon shapes. You can also cut the paper in a large cloud shape to give the wall of baby’s nursery a dynamic look. After cutting the paper in balloon and cloud shapes, use either tape or glue to stick them to the wall.
Stick them in such a way so that it gives an alluring as well as attractive look. You can place the cloud on top and stick the balloons under the cloud. For the background, paint the wall in a linen-blue color.
Dinosaur Stickers
It will not be a bad idea if you give babies a taste of dinosaurs in the form of wall stickers. Yes, it is very easy. You just need colourful fluffy paper and after that cut them into the tiny shapes of dinosaurs. After that, stick them to the wall, and along with it, you can also hang some dinosaur toys alongside the wall. The background colour plays an important role and so we recommend you to go for any glossy colour, like crème white or light pink. Moreover, you can also paint the wall with a matt finish for a more ideal outcome.
Rainfall View
Who does not love watching rainfall? Especially, when it comes to kids, we can assure you that this idea will create a solid impression upon them. For this, you need colourful art paper. Now, cut the colourful paper in a straight line and make the outline of a cloud. After that, stick it to the wall using glue. For the raindrops, cut the colourful papers in the shape of tiny raindrops. After that, stick them under the clouds in such a way so that it gives a rainfall view. For the background colour, you can go with any light colour with matt finish over it.
So, these are some ideas and we hope that you would definitely love it.